Wednesday, June 12, 2013

My Little Sunshine's Weather Experience!

As you know, we had the opportunity to take my little Weather Girl to the Channel 11 News Studio to meet the Chief Meteorologist David Paul, as well as other news personalities etc.

When we arrived, David Paul met us, and brought us into the fold! From there, we went into Weather Central (which has a lot of the weather computers, and is where they do live casts during extreme weather).
He then sat down and answered her questions and talked to her about what it takes to be a Meteorologist etc.
Then, he gave us a quick tour of all the studios (News Room, Great Day Houston Studio, The On Air Studio and Weather Studio). During this tour, G got to meet the 2 evening news anchors Len Cannon and Greg Hurst, who were quick to invite her behind the News Desk for a photo! Apparently they both have daughters, so of course had a sweet spot for her!

He then took us back to the Central studio because the news was going live and the first stories are often the most brutal and we didn't want her to be seeing those. He also did a teaser, then came back to retrieve us and bring us into the on air studio.

We then watched the News Anchors do their thing before David Paul took over and did the weather! I got tons of video/photos, and he signed her book. And she even got to try her own hand at the weather (using the green screen etc) but that's when her nerves kicked in!

All in all, the entire experience was absolutely amazing and wonderful! Seeing the sheer joy on my daughter's face was of course a proud mama moment! She was fully engaged in the conversation with him, and he spoke to her on her level after getting a feel for what she already knew (he has a son her age so it's easy for him to relate too). He said that he feels she is definitely tending more towards the performance side of weather and would make a great TV personality!

Without further ado - here are the photos and one of the videos.  It's rather long, but there are some kind of funny things she says (one being about us running out without shoes in our PJ's during a particularly frightening funnel cloud). There is a ton more video that will be posted to YouTube as I get the time!

G in front of the Channel 11 Station

G with David Paul in the Weather Central Studio!

G with Len Cannon and Greg Hurst.

Hanging out until David Paul was done with his teaser.

All enthralled looking at Sports!

These images are slightly lower quality as I snipped from video (haven't figured out the function for taking stills from HD video on my camera yet). This is the LIVE weather report.

She froze up a bit and refused to gesture. LOL

She looks great on camera though!

G after, she's so cute!

And in case you are all, "What the hell does this have to do with Makeup?" Turns out that all these folks on air, wear tons! The amount of lighting going on in there can make you look completely ill! It's very interesting to see how this is done. Google it!
And here is the video!

Wasn't he just great!? So grateful! She talked the entire way home about what she learned and wanted to learn and such. Then promptly began researching Jet Streams etc. <3

UPDATE: This was posted by Channel 11! So sweet!!

She saw the above post and being the stinker that she is, responded back with, "Don't worry, he can still come hang out with me when I get his job!" 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Channel 11

My daughter is a HUGE weather geek! She has struggled with reading (or rather, enjoying reading) and didn't really learn to love books until she began reading about weather! She wants to be a meteorologist and her favorite channel is The Weather Channel.
So in support of her ambitions, I contacted Chief Meteorologist David Paul with Channel 11 and set up a meeting!
We go there tonight to watch him do the weather LIVE, and then he is going to leave the weather wall up for her to give it a go herself! She is so excited to not only meet him, but ask some questions, have him sign her Ultimate Guide to Weather, and just learn more about something she is passionate about! And of course, being the proud mama, Im excited for her too!
We were very blessed that they are allowing us in the studio! Thanks David Paul!

Here we are, ready to go!

Saturday, June 1, 2013


Sorry ladies! I keep getting carried away with SUMMER! At this point, since I NEVER remember to update - Ill say Im taking a break until August - there will be posts here and there but no more promises I can't/won't keep! LOL!

Hello Summer!!!

Love Instagram! Ill be keeping up my exercise routine of Zumba with a bit of swimming thrown in! Im good and flat but could definitely use some toning!